Latest Release
Urban Gardening: Planning to Preserving
How to Double Your Production (And More)

About the Author
Charles Schroder
Charles Schroder’s journey as a gardener began at the age of five, watching his mother garden. His gardening started as a child’s curiosity and grew into his lifelong passion. Despite maintaining a full-time job, Charles continued to garden, albeit with a simple approach lacking in planning and sustainability. Upon retiring, he immersed himself in gardening methodologies, conducting extensive research online, in magazines and books, and through interactions with experienced gardeners.
His learning curve was steep, punctuated by failures that ultimately yielded profound insights. Charles discovered innovative techniques to streamline efforts and enhance yields. Today, he estimates his gardening efficiency has increased by at least 50%, resulting in significantly greater yields. In his book, Charles intertwines his personal gardening journey with a broader narrative of its global significance. He explores how gardening benefits individuals and the planet, including its role in mitigating global warming and promoting health.

About The Book
Urban Gardening: Planning to Preserving
“Urban Gardening: Planning to Preserving” by Charles Schroders is an insightful and comprehensive guide for both novice and experienced gardeners. The book covers a range of topics, from the basics of gardening to advanced techniques for maximizing productivity. Charles draws on his Zone 3 gardening experiences, combining research and personal insights to create a valuable resource for urban and rural gardeners alike. It combines practical advice, personal anecdotes, and environmental consciousness. Charles Schroders’ passion for gardening is evident, making the book an inspiring read for those embarking on their gardening journey.
The book takes a holistic approach to gardening, addressing not only the practical aspects but also the health benefits, environmental impact, and the joy of cultivating one’s own garden. This well-rounded perspective makes it engaging and relevant to a wide audience.
Charles shares his personal journey into gardening, adding a relatable and authentic touch to the book. His progression from casual gardening to a passionate, efficient gardener offers encouragement to readers at various stages in their gardening endeavors.

Acknowledging the impact of climate change, Charles adapts gardening recommendations to different zones. This makes the book adaptable to various climates and ensures that readers can modify suggestions based on their specific weather conditions.
Practical tips, such as creating nutritious soil and compost, double digging, and raised beds. Crop rotation, no-till gardening, mulching, vertical structures, gardening tools, and safety measures enhance the book’s utility. In addition, the emphasis on planning, flexibility, and record-keeping adds a thoughtful layer to the gardening process.
Starting your own seedlings, transplanting techniques, seed planting, weeding and thinning, watering techniques, organic pest control, harvesting, and preserving are all covered in step-by-step detail.
The book emphasizes the role of gardening in combating global warming and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. This eco-friendly approach aligns with the growing awareness of sustainable living and encourages readers to contribute positively to the environment.